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Yes, a blog!

Yes, a blog!

How did you like that title? So good, right?

Hi. Welcome. Thanks for being here.

Let me set the mood and share a bit about the setting. . . Mike the cowboy (that's my husband) and I just got back from picking the kids up from school, taking them to Karate, dropped some stuff off at the Goodwill, made our Tuesday evening after karate dilly bar Dairy Queen drive through stop, broke up a couple toddler quarrels. . . and now we're home.

The cowboy is cooking dinner, the chores are done, one kid is relaxing while the other is standing on a chair in the kitchen trying to play old cowboy songs with his harmonica. Here I am, picture this... at my roll top massive desk, which is covered in toddler artwork, Bible quotes on sticky notes, some of my favorite stickers (which I don't stick to anything because heaven forbid, I might need them some day to stick to something else. I think that's the sign of a hoarder) ... and several books I haven't read yet, several papers, planner(s) and pens everywhere And a few of my favorite tchotchkes. (Let me not forget to mention my favorite drink which I must get every time I sit down at the desk, a mini can of Canada Dry (ice cold)). 

I am sitting in this awesome chair the cowboy got me for my birthday or Mother's Day last year...  fake leather, camel colored, with the roller wheels, ugh love it, especially because I have one of those plastic things from the office max store for roller chairs to easily roll around on (I feel so official).

I just hopped into my favorite Smokey the bear sweats, an oversized hoodie and my cozy ancient Ugg slippers which probably should be thrown away, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I have one little lamp on my desk, the cord is way too long so I have it triple wrapped around the lamp, so it doesn't get my papers out of order. The rest of the lights are off because I love the darkness, but not too dark because I'm a little spooked of pitch black. My room is surrounded in windows and the sun has just gone down so the sky has the pretty light blue color. The horses are grazing outside my house and the dogs are laying on the porch. Every once in a while, the corgi lets out a few huff ruffs which distracts me, thinking that someone might be at the end of our driveway... when really, it's probably some squirrel that he can hear and not see in the nearby woods. 

Even though MW (McWhiggins) is in Indiana, I live about 45 minutes away in Kentucky. So, over the bridge and through the woods over here in Kentucky the weather was SO PRETTY today. I think the high was near 55 degrees. I had the doors all open, the heat turned off and the robot vacuum doing my housework for me *insert laughing emoji* (but really, I had to get up and fix the thing several times after it gobbled up a handful of Polly pockets and random items that had been living under the living room entertainment system.) 

On my "off" days from MW, I am usually sitting at this desk not actually taking the day off. Time here is spent planning for the year, upcoming weeks, social media, scheduling, appointments, emails, ya know, all that jazz.

So, with that being said, I've got my shoulders rolled back and my focus face on, so let's dive in. *splash* 

I decided to start this yesterday. It could have been this morning but honestly, I don't even know what day it is. Anyway, why not?

The answer is simple and short, and not as exciting as it probably should be... so here we go... I like to write, and I've never done this before *insert blog*

I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts about toys, trends, events and more from right here at my desk.


So, welcome. WELCOME to Tayler's desk.... and Welcome to the McWhiggin's "blog"

If you read that entire thing.
you're a friend of mine HAHA thank you.

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