Celebrating 25 years since the release of the original animated version of Disney’s classic “The Lion King,” Steiff proudly introduces our first-ever version of Pumbaa. He’s the happy-go-lucky (but smelly) warthog who, along with Timon, raise Simba and become the future King’s lifelong friends. In honor of the film’s 1994 release date, only 1,994 pieces of this commemorative limited edition will be made. Steiff designers worked hand-in-hand with the artists at Disney to perfectly capture the humor and heart of this unforgettable character — from his over-sized body to his under-sized legs. Pumbaa has been artistically soft-sculpted from reddish brown mohair that was woven in our own mill. He is exceptionally detailed, with intricately embroidered eyes and snout; tufts of black fur on his head and tail; and contrasting fabrics for his ears, tusk, and nose. Wires inside his legs give him added support. Of course, Pumbaa wouldn’t be complete without Timon, so you’ll want to own them both.
- Collection: Worldwide Disney Licensed Limited Edition
- Edition Size / Year: 1,994 pieces / Summer 2020
- Copyright: ©Disney
- Material: Made of the finest mohair
- Size: 9 inches
- Color: Reddish brown
- Eyes: with embroidered eyes
- Ear tag: with gold-plated "Button in Ear"
- Joints & Pose: Standing
- Sound device: None
- Care: Surface washable
- Country of Manufacture: Germany
Celebrating 25 years since the release of the original animated version of Disney’s classic “The Lion King,” Steiff proudly introduces our first-ever version of Pumbaa. He’s the happy-go-lucky (but smelly) warthog who, along with Timon, raise Simba and become the future King’s lifelong friends. In honor of the film’s 1994 release date, only 1,994 pieces of this commemorative limited edition will be made. Steiff designers worked hand-in-hand with the artists at Disney to perfectly capture the humor and heart of this unforgettable character — from his over-sized body to his under-sized legs. Pumbaa has been artistically soft-sculpted from reddish brown mohair that was woven in our own mill. He is exceptionally detailed, with intricately embroidered eyes and snout; tufts of black fur on his head and tail; and contrasting fabrics for his ears, tusk, and nose. Wires inside his legs give him added support. Of course, Pumbaa wouldn’t be complete without Timon, so you’ll want to own them both.
- Collection: Worldwide Disney Licensed Limited Edition
- Edition Size / Year: 1,994 pieces / Summer 2020
- Copyright: ©Disney
- Material: Made of the finest mohair
- Size: 9 inches
- Color: Reddish brown
- Eyes: with embroidered eyes
- Ear tag: with gold-plated "Button in Ear"
- Joints & Pose: Standing
- Sound device: None
- Care: Surface washable
- Country of Manufacture: Germany