May the 4th

May the 4th

Let's be honest. Our selection of Star Wars toys and items isn't AMAZING. Let me tell you why. Well, BECAUSE IT SELLS OUT BEFORE I CAN EVEN GET IT ON THE WEBSITE! - What a good problem to have. So before I show you the really sad 2023 Star Wars selection, we have HAHA. . . let me tell you about something I discovered. 

Ok, first of all. Before last year. Well, let me go father back. I was raised a Disney kid. I had all the movies on VHS. I watched Fox and the Hound so many times that the tape came out of the VHS... Only the old kids remember when that used to happen. Man, those were the days. Anyway, I love Disney. Grew up with it, went a few times as a kid but not a lot. My family was the one that really didn't plan, we just had serious fun and argued most of the time, got lost, and lost the car in the goofy parking lot. Let's just say, after that...we really didn't go back. LOL. Fast forward, back where I started, back to last year. My long-lost sister / best friend, who goes to Disney several times a year, kept pushing on my husband and I to go. We really wanted to but just didn't think we could justify going to the kid park without the kids and blah blah. So long story short, we went and boy were we HOOKED. It's a real thing. Adulting Disney is the best thing you can do. So that's exactly what we do. We love it. 

Let me tell you really quick about Galaxy's Edge aka Star Wars Land. It's hard for me to describe it other than being literally in Galaxy's Edge. When you look around, it feels like you've stepped into the movie but even better, it feels like you're in an entirely different place. It's incredible. The food is amazing, the rides are fantastic. It's a total experience and I truly encourage you to go and nerd out. Trust me, we do. 

So go. You'll thank me later. With or without your kids. 

So, what is May the 4th? 

Star Wars Day is an informal commemorative day. Observed annually on May 4 to celebrate the Star Wars media franchise created by founder, former chairman and CEO of Lucasfilm. Observance of the day spread quickly through media and grassroots celebrations since the franchise began in 1977.

The date originated from the pun "May the Fourth be with you", a variant of the popular Star Wars catchphrase "May the Force be with you". Even though the holiday was not created or declared by Lucasfilm, many Star Wars fans around the world have chosen to celebrate the holiday. It has since been embraced by Lucasfilm and parent company Disney as an annual celebration of Star Wars.

With that being said, maybe it's to last minute for you to get yourself to Disney's Galaxy's Edge by May the 4th (which now that I think about it, I bet the park is going to be super packed with great people watching!) Instead I have discovered something else on the world wide web. Now, I am sure Pinterest has a lot of ideas out there for you, but this website looks pretty epic. I personally have my eye on the Snippy Snack and the Upcycled Ewok "Fairy" House. 

Before you head to this great website, make sure you take a peek at my favorite Star Wars item currently in stock at McWhiggin's. Think about this! - You could buy this, save your pennies and then spend it on your first or first in a long time trip to Galaxy's Edge! Do it! *If you celebrate May the 4th - Tag McWHiggin's so we can share in on the festivities.

Click Here to See Tayler's Favorite Star Wars Toy at McWHiggin's: Yoda Bank – McWhiggins Wonder Emporium (


Click Here to discover some pretty awesome stuff for May the 4th: Star Wars Day: May the 4th Be With You |

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