Act out the traditional Nativity story at home while reading “Away In a Manger” in the included illustrated Storybook. Children will meet the guiding heavenly angel, the three Shepherds, the three Wise Men carrying gifts, and the animals that kept watch over Mary and Joseph’s new born babe inside a lowly stable. Above the stable, a bright star is placed, shining bright in the night sky to let the world know that tonight, a Savior is born . Use the storybook and its pieces to create a new special yearly tradition, inviting in the true spirit of Christmas.
Act out the traditional Nativity story at home while reading “Away In a Manger” in the included illustrated Storybook. Children will meet the guiding heavenly angel, the three Shepherds, the three Wise Men carrying gifts, and the animals that kept watch over Mary and Joseph’s new born babe inside a lowly stable. Above the stable, a bright star is placed, shining bright in the night sky to let the world know that tonight, a Savior is born . Use the storybook and its pieces to create a new special yearly tradition, inviting in the true spirit of Christmas.