In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original animated version of “The Lion King”, Steiff proudly presents our first-ever young Simba, heir to throne as “King of the Pride Lands.” Commemorating the 1994 release date, only 1,994 pieces of this historic limited edition will be produced, and only a small portion of that number will be available in the U.S. Steiff designers collaborated closely with Disney for more than a year to make sure the royal lion cub looks just as you remember him. At just over nine inches tall, Simba is sized just right for displaying in a collection, or as a decorative item in a child’s room. With a new generation of fans discovering “The Lion King” through its current live-action version, there’s no better way to celebrate this classic story than by purchasing this mohair special edition. Exclusively from Steiff.
- Collection: Worldwide Disney License Limited Edition
- Edition Size / Year: 1,994 pieces / Summer 2019
- Material: Made of the finest mohair
- Size: 9.5 inches
- Color: Golden blonde
- Eyes: with embroidered eyes
- Ear tag: with gold-plated "Button in Ear"
- Joints & Pose: 1-way jointed (head), sitting
- Sound device: None
- Care: Surface washable
- Country of Manufacture: Germany
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original animated version of “The Lion King”, Steiff proudly presents our first-ever young Simba, heir to throne as “King of the Pride Lands.” Commemorating the 1994 release date, only 1,994 pieces of this historic limited edition will be produced, and only a small portion of that number will be available in the U.S. Steiff designers collaborated closely with Disney for more than a year to make sure the royal lion cub looks just as you remember him. At just over nine inches tall, Simba is sized just right for displaying in a collection, or as a decorative item in a child’s room. With a new generation of fans discovering “The Lion King” through its current live-action version, there’s no better way to celebrate this classic story than by purchasing this mohair special edition. Exclusively from Steiff.
- Collection: Worldwide Disney License Limited Edition
- Edition Size / Year: 1,994 pieces / Summer 2019
- Material: Made of the finest mohair
- Size: 9.5 inches
- Color: Golden blonde
- Eyes: with embroidered eyes
- Ear tag: with gold-plated "Button in Ear"
- Joints & Pose: 1-way jointed (head), sitting
- Sound device: None
- Care: Surface washable
- Country of Manufacture: Germany