Embark on a thrilling adventure with the PLAYMOBIL Moana Boat! This floating catamaran, inspired by Disney’s Moana, invites young explorers to splash, stack, and sail. With colorful flowers that double as water sprayers and a removable sail, the set encourages hands-on water fun. Perfectly designed for toddlers, this safe, easy-to-clean set sparks creativity and imagination with every splash.
Embark on a thrilling adventure with the PLAYMOBIL Moana Boat! This floating catamaran, inspired by Disney’s Moana, invites young explorers to splash, stack, and sail. With colorful flowers that double as water sprayers and a removable sail, the set encourages hands-on water fun. Perfectly designed for toddlers, this safe, easy-to-clean set sparks creativity and imagination with every splash.