Step into the world of Hawkins with the Eddie Munson Christmas Ornament by Cody Foster. Expertly crafted from the finest glass, this ornament depicts Eddie Munson, the standout character from the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. Essential for fans of the show, it captures the essence of Eddie's tenacity and his pivotal role in the series' thrilling narrative. Relying on Cody Foster's signature craftsmanship, the ornament stands as both a festive adornment and a nod to contemporary pop culture. Celebrate the holiday season with a slice of Stranger Things magic, bringing the intrigue of the Upside Down to your tree.
- Size: 4.75"T x 4.75"W x 1.75"D
Step into the world of Hawkins with the Eddie Munson Christmas Ornament by Cody Foster. Expertly crafted from the finest glass, this ornament depicts Eddie Munson, the standout character from the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things. Essential for fans of the show, it captures the essence of Eddie's tenacity and his pivotal role in the series' thrilling narrative. Relying on Cody Foster's signature craftsmanship, the ornament stands as both a festive adornment and a nod to contemporary pop culture. Celebrate the holiday season with a slice of Stranger Things magic, bringing the intrigue of the Upside Down to your tree.
- Size: 4.75"T x 4.75"W x 1.75"D